how to avoid burnout at work?


Let's be honest, who has never suffered at least some stress at work and those who say,” I don’t do stress” are usually in denial!

Stress is a normal human automatic reaction, which produces a chemical reaction in the body

When the stress is more chronic and long-lasting, the stress-related chemicals cortisol and adrenaline will keep surging through the body. Cortisol (the stress hormone) can shut down the capacity of the immune cells to respond to foreign invaders. When the release of cortisol is persistent, the immune cells don’t get the chance to recover and that’s when we get sick!

In summary, prolonged stress causes real mental and physical changes in the body which can cause illness. Stress is real!

At work, stress is often caused by too much to do and too little time to do it, with the demands coming from all directions!
It is, however, worth thinking about your stress triggers a little deeper to avoid the stress accumulating and becoming "Burnout"!

How do we define “Burnout”?

“Burnout” is a state of emotional, mental, and often physical exhaustion brought on by prolonged or repeated stress. Though it’s most often caused by problems at work, it can also appear in other areas of life, not just work!

Some points to consider if you think your stress levels may be getting a little out of control!


Try journaling the when, who, what, and how questions to improve your awareness of what triggers your stress response?

When does it happen? Why does it happen? What are the details that trigger a bad stress day? Does it manifest itself more when you are in the company of someone in particular or in a certain environment?
It may help to score your stress levels out of 10, each day for a week, with 1 being no stress and 10 being a very bad day!
This will help you to understand when the triggers are happening, and why.


What is the impact of stress on you?

We are all very different and we will react differently to various stressors. The impact could be physical, mental or there could be an impact on your relationships or quality of life
Understand what stress is doing to you and decide what action you want to take to reduce it!


Through awareness, you may be able to identify the key reasons for your stress.

  • Is it simply too much work?

  • Is it your boss?

  • Is it the pressures of work-life balance?

  • Is it your own high demands on yourself?

  • Is it the work environment?

  • Is it the role or job that is just not right for you?

Consider if you may be the cause of your own stress, perhaps by having very high expectations of yourself.

Ask yourself, is it my work/boss that is putting this pressure on me, or is it me who is dictating the level of pressure?

Do I need to give 120% to my work or will 90% be enough, if it means I lead a healthier more fulfilling life?


In order to prioritise, you may need to understand your core values. There are tools you can use to help you identify your core values.

Use an online tool to discover your core values. For example: You may identify your core values as being:

Career, Financial Security, Job satisfaction, Personal Development, and Achievement, or very differently, Family, Wellbeing, Life Purpose, Kindness, and Freedom?

Your decisions will be different depending on your values and your values can change throughout your life!

Once you know your own core values, then you can start to prioritise your work and life in terms of importance in achieveing your own goals


There is so much you can do to reduce stress, you just need to decide that you are ready to take action!

Consider some suggestions below:

  • Identify your core values and prioritise your Personal Goals

  • Lift your head up out of the sand and look at the bigger picture, there is a big world out there, full of opportunities!

  • Set and communicate your boundaries for health and wellbeing at work and at home

  • Take regular breaks from work during the day, the week, and the year

  • Get Help if you need to, support is out there if you ask, sometimes within the workplace and sometimes outside the workplace

  • Prioritise a “Wellbeing Life” - Nutrition, Exercise, Sleep, Connection, and Mindfulness/Meditation/Spirituality

  • Divert your mind away from work - Prioritise doing what you enjoy, make time to have fun, and laugh!

  • Change if you need to change

Life is within our control if we choose to believe it and take action!

As the well-known saying goes: “No one ever says on their deathbed, I wish I had spent more time in the office!”


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