A Leadership Coach partners with individuals or businesses to help them realise any personal or professional goals, or overcome any challenges with the aim of reaching true potential.

It is like having a professional in your corner, with 100% focus on you!

The coach helps you look deeper than you had thought possible for the answers

The coach provides a support system that includes accountability, honest, open insights, as well as new perspectives on your issue or goal.

This will then facilitate breakthroughs with any internal blockages to success

what will the outcome be?

more clarity on vision, direction, goals and your pathway to success

What benefits will you gain from coaching?

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  • Personalised service from a Professional Leadership Coach with 30+ years’ experience in Global Leadership

  • A Choice of 121 Individual Coaching, Group Workshops or a Coaching Plan structured uniquely to your business needs, online or in person

  • Focus 100% on you and your issue, challenge or goal

  • Help and support online or in person to suit your schedule

  • A supportive challenge to your perspective, allowing you to find new solutions and breakthroughs, you never thought possible

  • Helpful tools, tips and tricks for navigating your work and life path



i am an experienced leader and manager. what would i gain from hiring a coach?

Even experienced leaders and managers have challenges in work and in life! Sometimes, it’s even harder to ask for support when you are in a position of responsibility. You may feel too vulnerable and exposed to discuss your challenges at work, so you bury the problem. A coach will offer a confidential, personalised focus on you, to help you overcome any obstacle and help you reach your goals.

Who else will give you 100% focus on You?

mindset, what does that mean and what difference would a workshop on mindset make to my staff and my business?

As a young manager, we used to be trained on ‘‘A positive mental attitude’’ and looking at the ‘‘glass being half full’’ rather than half empty. The psychology around a ‘‘Growth or Fixed Mindset’’ now offers so much more to individuals. A workshop on mindset allows the individual to challenge their own mindset and learned, limiting beliefs. This then opens the mind to the possibility that we can choose each day, how we view and respond to the issues and challenges we face.

Your view of the world can then change!

coaching online or in person, which is best?

The world has definitely changed post Covid-19!

As a Global Leader, I was already fully online with my teams pre Covid-19, as they were all over the world! Initially, this was an big change for me, after always enjoying face to face contact with my staff. However, I learned, that online can be just as good as face to face. It is just an adjustment and needs planning and training.

You decide what works for you, but both are effective!

we have a full training team. why would we need to hire a coach?

I have so much respect for trainers in business! When do they ever have time to look at the bigger picture, identify evolving employee or business needs, build a comprehensive workshop and deliver it, never mind focus on 121 leadership development? Usually, their focus is day to day, essential needs training. An external Coach finds it easier to focus on a specific need and deliver to a unique requirement

You choose your investment focus!

individuals need to be responsible for their own wellbeing. how can i influence their wellbeing as their employer?

The influence that leaders have on employee mental wellbeing is huge!

Culture, support, expectations, flexibility and environment are all controlled by the employer. The costs of not taking action in the workplace on mental and physical wellbeing are easily calculated and published. Workdays lost to stress, anxiety, depression and lifestyle preventable diseases are costing the global economy billions!

You can influence Wellbeing of your teams and reduce your losses!

A WORKSHOP ON resilience - how will that benefit my teams and my business?

There is a great TED Talk on Resilience. Look it up - Lucy Hone, she studied Resilience at the University of Pennsylvania with a team who won the contract to train 1.1 million US soldiers on Resilience. She talks of a strategy she researched and then, sadly, she had to put it to the test when her daughter died in a car crash at the age of 12.

The strategy was, Acceptance/Choose your focus and asking the question, “Will this action/thought help or harm me?”

Simple, but effective! What strategy do your teams use, when they are struggling?

A workshop on Resilience will teach a strategy that can be used in the tough times!