change in the workplace! what is “in” and “out” for today’s leaders

Is it different being a leader today than it was a decade ago?


Businesses are now often trading in the Global world rather than being country or region-specific and this globalisation trend is growing

 What challenge does Globalisation present to leaders?

 There is a multitude of differences that a Global Leader needs to be aware of as well as the obvious potential language challenges. There is a need to train themselves and their teams in the different cultures and expectations, what works in one market, does not necessarily work in another. HR regulations and commercial laws differ from country to country. Employing global expertise is a must and then keeping up to date with all the changes you need to know in the countries you operate in, is a continuing challenge that needs a clear strategy to succeed

Technology and AI  

There is a constant and increasing need to ensure businesses stay on top of the latest technology trends including the evolution of AI.

 A huge, never-ending challenge!

Recruiting the highly in-demand technology resource needed can be extremely time-consuming and costly. If you are not on top of it, well certainly you need to employ teams who are! Knowing how AI will impact your future business is a question worthy of some thought now!

Autocratic to Collaborative Leadership

There is increasing movement towards a more collaborative and empathetic style of Leadership. Open communication is essential.

 Challenge is, do you recognise this change, are you aware of your style, and does your style suit the needs of today’s workplace?

 As many studies show engagement of employees and an increase in communication keeping your teams on board is essential in today’s world. There are many leadership books highlighting the need for Emotional Intelligence in leadership. If you are struggling to understand what that means, why not reach out for the book, ‘’Emotional Intelligence’’ by Daniel Goleman, PH. D

Remote, Hybrid, and Flexible Working

Upwork estimates that 1 in 4 of the American workforce worked remotely in 2021, which you may say was due to Covid. However, it estimates that 22% of the workforce will continue to work remotely by 2025. In the UK in 2019, 27% of the workforce were working from home, this increased to 37% in 2020.

 The remote working challenge often needs more empowerment and trust. Are you a leader ready to trust your teams when they are not in the office and if not, have you asked yourself why?

Clearly, the trend is growing Globally. This means that leaders need to set up different processes and systems to ensure the work gets done. They need to empower more and trust their employees without someone looking over their shoulder and that is a challenge for some Leaders to let go and trust!

 Change is constant

One thing that is constant is the need for businesses to evolve and change.

 The challenge is how can you prepare yourself and your teams to accept change and to build resilience to face change without fear?

 Leading through constant change is a Mindset shift that not all leaders can manage. Have you planned how to engage your teams through the next business change impacting them?

People Development

Developing your team is crucial and so often is at the bottom of the list of priorities especially when the pressure is on. The need to develop and train your workforce is greater now than ever before in order to meet the demands of the new business world

  People Development and Training will always be a challenge unless it is embedded in your company culture and does not fly out the window when times are tough

 Coaching, developing, and mentoring are especially needed when the pressure is on and the stress is high. Your people are often your most expensive cost within a business, so allocating some structure, process, and resource into developing their potential is a truly worthy investment. Your employees should be treated as seeds that need water and nourishment to grow, which will then flower and bring your business success in the longer term!

 Mental Wellbeing

The awareness of Mental Wellbeing in the workplace was already increasing pre-Covid but has grown extensively since the pandemic. Mental Health is being discussed openly on TV and social media, every day. Today’s younger generation is talking about their own mental health issues quite openly. Leaders need to be aware of this increase in openness and they need to monitor the impact the work environment has on employees’ Mental Health. They have a real duty of care to their staff like never before.

If you don’t have an embedded culture of Wellbeing at work and an in-depth Wellbeing strategy, how do your teams know how to proactively try to prevent or handle Mental Health issues?

 Mental health issues can affect one in four people at some point in their lives and have a significant impact on employee wellbeing. They are a major cause of long-term absence from work. Employers should promote good mental health practices and provide support for employees who are experiencing mental ill-health including anxiety or depression.

 In effect, Leaders need to have a Wellbeing Strategy at work and every person managing people needs to be aware of how to support their teams through Mental Health issues.

Leaders themselves, however, need to know how to handle their own stress, anxiety, and Mental Health and should be knowledgeable about and responsible for their own Wellbeing.

 The question to ask yourself as a leader is: 

‘’Am I doing enough to overcome those evolving challenges head-on?’’ 


how to avoid burnout at work?


Do you lead from a position of fear or courage?