Wellbeing at Work – a Leader’s responsibility, or an Individual’s?

Let’s review some facts:

·         According to the Office of National Statistics, the UK lost 118 million workdays in 2020. This equates to 3.6 days per worker and a 1.8% sickness absence rate and, despite Covid-19, this was down in comparison to 2019

·         In Europe, absence equates to a cost of 2.5% of GDP and a €420 billion cost. The absence rate in the EU varies between 3-6% of employees, probably impacted by strong union laws in some EU countries

·         In North America, the average absenteeism rate in 2020 was 2.9%, costing on average $3,600 per hourly employees and $2,650 for salaried employees per year, according to the US Bureau of Labor

·         Main reasons for absenteeism are 26% Minor Illnesses, 15% Musculoskeletal and 12% Mental Health including Stress

This obviously results in a high cost to business and the cost is even higher in those countries where unions and employee contracts are stronger.

Potentially, there are some other cost impacts to consider?

·         Productivity

·         Time spent managing payroll and sickness related conversations

·         Impact on workforce having to cover

·         Impact on the client, expecting a certain service level which is disrupted

Another interesting fact to take into consideration, the World Health Organisation estimates that 60% of Illnesses are lifestyle related, so preventable and they forecast that this will increase to 70% by 2030

Of course, individuals should take responsibility for their own lifestyle choices, no question in my mind, however, should Employers also play a part in educating and influencing a healthy lifestyle, after all, we do spend a large proportion of our time at work!

So, what should be an employer’s and leader’s responsibility be in terms of encouraging and promoting wellbeing in the workplace and what actions can they take?

·         Office/Work Environment

I was so happy when I moved to Homeworking, as only then I could choose the lighting, the temperature, the air quality, where I sat or stood while working, what I ate and drink and when I exercised in my working day!

It is so difficult for an Employer to keep everyone happy - It always amused me, how the same temperature would be freezing to one employee and too warm for another! 

 However, lighting, air quality, seating and desks are so important to Wellbeing in the workplace. How many days do employees take off due to back problems that can be helped by having adjustable stand-up desks? Eye strain due to poor lighting, low mood due to poor air quality or poorly controlled temperature? Stomach and blood sugar problems, due to drinking too many free sodas all day in the office!

Employers should take complete responsibility for the environment they ask their employees to work in and check the quality of it regularly

·         Long Hours/ Breaks and Holidays

Leaders should discourage the 24/7 working culture. It is counterproductive in the long term. Employees move too easily to burn out and are generally less productive when working long hours, without breaks

Sending emails after hours or at weekends represents to me, someone who is not in control of their work life balance. If you do want to work after hours, fine, but think about timing the emails to deliver at the start of the next working day, as a good example to your teams

·         General Wellbeing and Good Habits

Most people know that to be healthy we need to eat well, sleep well, exercise regularly, develop strong supportive relationships and learn how to manage our own mindset and stress levels

However, maybe not everyone knows how to best manage this, maybe some were brought up in a completely unhealthy environment, impacting both their physical and mental health negatively?

So, what can Leaders do to improve employee healthy habits and promote Wellbeing in the workplace?

Nutrition - Ensure access within the workplace to healthy lunch options and snacks. If having working lunch meetings, ensure the food is healthy and not sausage rolls and crisps, even though they are yummy!

Exercise - Encourage regular breaks - Maybe have a screensaver encouraging employees to take their breaks and go out into fresh air and exercise. Offer employees discounted exercise classes nearby, have a gym or classes on site

Sleep - Consider featuring a Wellbeing section on your intranet site, where all aspects of wellness are explored. There are just a few good habits we all need to think about to promote a good night’s sleep. It is worth ensuring employees are aware of them on your Wellbeing intranet site

Stress - A Leader can add to stress or help reduce it. Firstly, awareness is key, one person’s stress is another person’s stimulation, make sure you have regular conversations with your teams to ensure they are not suffering from potential burnout and act if you start to see the signs

Mental Health - Such a big subject for a Leader to be aware of and it affects us all. Awareness is again key. Know the signs and have tools in place when you think someone is suffering from any Mental Health issue. It will eventually affect their work and maybe their colleagues’ and your customer service

What actions are you taking to promote Wellbeing in your business?

In my next few blogs, I will share with you Top Ideas and Insights on how you can promote a Healthy Wellbeing Culture in your workplace and why you will see the benefits to your business!



mindset - Do we have a choice as to how we react to life’s challenges?


resilience - can we boost our own resilience and learn how to bounce back from life’s inevitable set backs?